Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer Vacation 2008

We went to the beach last week!

pregnant bellies!!!! (about 20 weeks.) isn't jon's the best?

it really was pretty wonderful to get to enjoy a vacation before the baby comes. sure, we won't get to go as much after baby comes, but we have had such a great year so far!!!!
we been able to go on a cruise for our honeymoon, to chicago to visit jes, to the beach, and we are going to gatlinburg for labor day.
we are certainly in a year of abundance and easy to see blessings. i'm so glad God has given us so many blessings for our first year together!
it's easy enough for me to worry about what will happen come 2009!!
who knows what i would be like if we were having to struggle right now.
my lack of faith is pretty sad sometimes. Jon helps me with that a lot.

1 comment:

Doug and Heidi said...

be careful taking pictures at the beach...we lost our digital camera when Doug dropped it in the ocean...ooops